Remember Mindfulness – feel the moment
How could you have done it? This ‘morning after’
question carries the same grim familiarity as the
splitting headache and the bloodshot eyes. We keep
asking ourselves this question, to which we have no
answer. Except of course, the only true answer:
because I’m addicted, and I need help. Only when
we get honest and accept the reality of our situation
will things start to improve. Acceptance begins with
admitting our faults honestly. ‘We admitted’ are the
first words of Step One. The founding fathers of AA
understood this. We are powerless over our
addiction. Can I fully admit my powerlessness?
I cannot change the past and I cannot predict the
future. I can only change myself. But first, I must be
realistic. I am what I am. My response is what
matters and that begins with acceptance. It is the
foundation on which my commitment to change is
built. With acceptance and the help of my Higher
Power, I can look forward to a new life of sober
God grant me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change, courage to change
the things I can, and the wisdom to know
the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr.