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Remember Mindfulness – send positive thoughts
Addiction is many things but especially, it is an
attachment disorder. Humans are hardwired to need
love and connection to others but that seems to
happen less and less. The large family became the
small family and then quite often, the single parent
family. And physical interaction is being replaced by
online contact. The old saying: ‘It takes a village to
raise a child’ seems less meaningful these days.
Nobody really knows what impact gradual
disconnection has on emotional life, especially for
children. Addiction makes isolation worse. To
recover, we must reconnect. Am I ready to reconnect
to my fellow men and women?
Author Johann Hari concludes that the opposite of
addiction is not sobriety, but connection. He sees
addiction as a response to deep unhappiness
caused by disconnection between humans. I
can improve my wellbeing and sense of
belonging simply by working on existing
relationships and forming new ones. It is all part of
taking positive action. I ask God to grant me the
courage to improve my sense of connection and
offer the hand of friendship.