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Remember Mindfulness – sit comfortably
Real connection is a joining of hearts and minds as
well as the physical contact of a handshake or a hug.
So much of our modern world involves illusion – the
face on TV, the social media friend, or the cheery
avatar in Meta-land. Do not be fooled, the only real
connections are traditional human contacts, warts
and all. The Twelfth Step is all about connection but
some of the earlier Steps deal with it too: Steps Five
and Nine, for example. Do I fully understand that
the only true connection comes from the sharing of
heart, body, and mind in the real world?
St Paul said:
For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but
then face to face. Now I know in part; but
then, fully – just as God knows me.
In other words, true connection only happens when
we fully understand each other. And that goes not
just for connection with other people, but with God
as well. Today I ask God for the perseverance to
make connections because without it, there cannot
be love, kindness or true recovery.