Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 30th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 29th by Chris B

Steps Six and Seven

Judge each day by the seeds you plant, not by the harvest that you reap. We long for quick results that confirm our success and validate our self-image. Sometimes it doesn’t work like that. Maturity is about doing things that require the long view. It is a sign of immaturity to look for instant gratification – that’s how we used to be. Letting go of our childish ways is a part of growing up in recovery.

When I became a man, I put away childish things. St Paul, Corinthians.

Steps Six and Seven are about letting go. I must now be ready to let go of my character defects and the shame and guilt that go with them. This is not as easy as it sounds, unless I have help. Today I ask God for guidance in letting go of my past.

St Paul makes letting go sound easy but some of us struggle with impatience. We perceive all our tomorrows as an unbearable eternity. Much better to be patient. Can I take things a day at a time?

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 28th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 27th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 26th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 25th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 24th by Chris B

Remember Mindfulness – enjoy the moment

Reaching out

In moments of great emotional distress, when a kind person says: I don’t know what to say, they should probably not say anything and just be there to listen anyway. A gesture, however small, is often better than words. When you smile at someone, it is a small act of kindness. It is quite likely that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others; it is certainly worth a try. Am I ready to offer help to others today?

In my father’s house there are many rooms. New Testament, St John.

I should imagine the world as my father’s house and people I meet, as his guests whom I should treat with care and respect. Of course, this requires humility and non-judgmental service. Have I considered treating others in the same way as I would like to be treated, if I were in need? Like it or not, I am a part of mankind, and I cannot stay detached, I must be involved. Today I ask God that I will not stay detached but instead that I will find opportunities to help others.

Daily Reading of Recovery Days June 23rd by Chris B

Daily Reading of Recovery Days June 22nd by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 21st by Chris B