Daily Reading from Recovery Days July 21st by Chris B

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Daily Reading from Recovery Days July 20th by Chris B

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Remember Mindfulness – feel your body from top to toes

Positive, affirmative action

Three frogs sat on a log in a pond. One decided to jump into the water. How many frogs were left on the log? Three, because none actually jumped. There is no point in deciding to take action unless you act. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Half-truths are a way of avoiding action. Saying you will ‘try’ is no good. Trying is lying, as they say in the fellowships. There is no substitute. We should do what we say we will do. That way, we gain selfesteem and respect. Will I be a positive person who always does what I say I will do?

I must strive to be the kind of person that does not act just to seek the approval of others. If I feel that what I do is morally right, then it should not matter if I am approved or ridiculed, because I have peace of mind. If I ask my Higher Power to guide me in all, and not worry about the views of the world but simply do what is right, I will have the courage of my convictions. I ask that in doing so, I will become an example to others and thus be giving of myself.