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Remember Mindfulness – breathe calmly
Alcoholics Anonymous
What better connection can there be than an AA
meeting? The wisdom of the old-timers is that in
early sobriety, you should never be hungry, angry,
lonely, or tired. If you are heading towards any or
even all those states, an AA meeting will probably
get your emotions back in balance and provide
some tea and biscuits too. Just knowing that to be
the case can have a calming effect. The AA
programme comes with no guarantees, but few
people with a desire to stop drinking, attend an AA
meeting without feeling better at the end. Do I
appreciate that AA provides the answer to most of
my everyday problems?
My Higher Power will help me when I ask. Usually,
the help will come through other people – their
kindness, support, and the power of their example.
But connection is basically a two-way arrangement.
I must be there for others in their time of need, to
show the same kindness and compassion that they
give to me. Today I will remember the words of St
Teresa of Avila:
Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on
earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he
looks with compassion on this world. St Teresa.