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Remember Mindfulness – relax your body
One of the major requirements for a contented life is
said to be a sense of belonging. The desire to belong
is a human need that goes back to the earliest tribes
in history. The opposite state – isolation – is for
many people almost unbearable. Yet, being
surrounded by other human beings doesn’t
guarantee a sense of belonging. For that, we need
identification and interaction too. So, if you attend
an AA meeting, but you secretly think you are
somehow different, you are unlikely to identify with
people there and will feel an outsider, however
crowded the room. Am I ready to look for
similarities in others, rather than differences?
How very much alike all of us
alcoholics are, when we admit that
the chips are finally down. Bill W.
All of us in recovery are travelling the same road. No
wonder we feel a strong sense of kinship and
understanding. But to experience this to the full, we
must share our experiences with complete candour.
Steps Four and Five help us. Today I ask for the
courage to share my character defects openly and
honestly so that I allow others to identify with me.