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Remember Mindfulness – sit comfortably
Another year awaits us. How do we feel? Take a few
moments to reflect on the past year and focus on the
good that has come from it. Ignore the bad – be
grateful for the good. Where would we be today if we
were not in the programme? Recovery shows us a
different path, where we recognise the peace that
comes from doing our best and the contentment
that comes from a sense of belonging and
appreciating small things around us. Am I grateful
to be alive, clean and sober, just for today?
Take a moment of mindfulness, at the cusp of this
new year to be thankful for your life and reflect on
the beauty of your surroundings this present
moment, as the great American poet William
Stafford did:
Starting here, what do you want to remember?
How sunlight creeps along a shining floor?
What scent of old wood hovers, what softened
Sound from outside fills the air?
…What can anyone give you greater than now,
Starting here, right in this room,
When you turn around? William Stafford.
Today I thank my Higher Power for helping me to
appreciate all the beauty and wisdom in the world