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Remember Mindfulness – breathe calmly
Negative comfort zones
The barriers in the way to full acceptance are all of
our own making – denial, avoidance, pride and selfwill.
Many of us struggle with denial because we
cannot bear the emotional pain of the reality that
lies behind it. Our inflated egos are a part of the
negative comfort zone we have constructed to
protect us. Dismantling these barriers to reveal our
true selves may involve some short-term pain but,
finding the courage to do so is a step towards
emotional maturity. Have I left my negative
comfort zone?
Acceptance is about living with ourselves with all
our imperfections. But, before we get too negative,
we should remind ourselves that we are also good
people who are struggling with an illness that we
did not choose. Certainly, we have work to do but it
is our basic goodness and the help from our Higher
Power that will lead us to success, so that we
eventually become ‘better than well’. May I find the
honesty and courage to accept short-term emotional
pain, in order to receive long-term benefit.