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Remember Mindfulness – observe new thoughts
Acceptance means loving yourself enough to take
action. It is one thing to see the benefits that begin
with acceptance, but quite another to love yourself
enough to believe the process is worth doing.
Feeling one is worthless is a device to avoid taking
responsibility for change. Do I value myself enough
to take responsibility for change?
Self-acceptance is about embracing all aspects of
ourselves – the positive and the negative because
nobody is one hundred percent perfect. When we
stop judging ourselves harshly, our self-esteem rises.
Self-love is about caring for yourself as you would
nurture a child – reassuring, validating, and
watching out for yourself so that you eat, sleep and
exercise properly. Personal growth happens when
the two go hand in hand. May I believe myself to be
a worthwhile person who grasps the second chance
at life offered to me, because I am worth it.