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Remember Mindfulness – breathe calmly
The bonds of fellowships and support tend to
be at their strongest in times of great stress
and crisis. As human beings, our natural state
is one of need, whether we think so or not. It is
usually our arrogant ego that tells us we have
no needs. It’s not surprising therefore that we
are susceptible to temptation because
temptation plays to our needs: – for money,
that tempts us to cheat, for love that tempts us
to abase ourselves, for happiness, that tempts
us to use drugs. Such things meet our
fundamental needs. Twelve Step fellowships aim
to do this also. Am I ready to join in fellowship
with others?
Never fear temptation, it is useful and necessary
to us. St Bernadette of Lourdes.
Temptation plays to our baser nature and offers us
shortcuts to what we desire. Thus, by examining
what tempts us and our responses, we can learn a
lot about ourselves and our character defects and
grow spiritually, when we ask for help. Today I
ask to grow spiritually by learning from my