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Remember Mindfulness – enjoy the moment
Self-care is akin to self-respect, and it is desirable to have both. By reaching out to others, we validate our own sense of purpose and belonging in the world. Addiction makes us very selfish people but also very lonely people. Building defensive walls around ourselves produces isolation. We need to find the strength to remove these barriers and show ourselves as we really are. Am I ready to remove my defences?
Fear takes us back into our primitive state where the choices are fight, freeze or flight. That might have helped primitive man escape from a dinosaur but it’s not much help to me, in recovery today. Today I have a wealth of experience and knowledge that was not available to primitive man, yet in times of crisis, I can sometimes do no better. I should reflect on the example of others, who have learned appropriate responses to all kinds of situations. Today I will remember that self-care is about learning from others.