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Asking for help
What is the point of reality, if you are not wanting
to live responsibly? Whether consciously or
unconsciously, this is the mindset of many addicted
people. When the real world is such a frightening
place, you might just as well be on the moon.
Unfortunately, the moon does not sustain life for long
and sooner or later, we have to come down to earth.
Our re-entry can be painful, some do not make it.
We will need help. Coming to our senses is easier
than learning to act sensibly. Acquiring good habits
takes time and application. Will I ask for help?
In the Bible,the prodigal son spends his inheritance on
dissipation and riotous living, then ‘comes to
himself, realises his mistakes and returns home to
be welcomed by his father. Coming to myself means
living according to my better nature after years of
not doing so. The tale of the prodigal son is a
wonderful example of the goodness of human
nature. If I am to receive forgiveness, I need to show
honesty, humility and willingness to change, just like
the prodigal son in the Bible. Today I ask not to forget
that forgiveness puts a responsibility on me to do
my best in return.