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So many of our problems are caused by wanting.
Part of this comes from our raised expectations. In
the West, capitalism is based on the idea of
consumerism and economic growth. Many of us have
far more than we need. It is hard in such a climate
to simply make do with enough, and altruism often
does not seem strong enough in the face of glossy
advertisements and celebrity-led videos. Elsewhere in
the world, people struggle to put food on the table,
if they have a table at all. Twelve Steps are partly an
example of unselfish living. Do I remember that by
following their principles I may be seen as an
example to others?
Two men were talking at a conference. One said:
Tom, how does it make you feel to know that
man over there made more money today than
you will make in all your life? Tom said: I feel
happy, because I’ve got something he can never
have – the knowledge that I’ve got enough.
When you realise that you have all you need, then
you can look at the world in a different way. Today
I give thanks for all that I have and ask nothing