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Remember Mindfulness – enjoy the moment
Head to heart
Addiction professionals talk about the eighteeninch
journey, from head to heart. What we think and
what we feel can be very different but the more the
two can be connected, the more we will be in
balance. Some of us know from personal experience
that intellectual understanding of an event and its
consequences is often not sufficient to convince us
to do otherwise. That is true of addiction. Because
our emotions are so powerful, it takes more than
logical argument to persuade us to do what we are
too afraid, too arrogant or too ashamed to attempt.
Will I make the eighteen-inch journey?
When the great seventeenth century thinker Blaise
Pascal said: The heart has its reasons, which reason
knows nothing of, he meant that the heart can
sometimes stop us doing what seems intellectually,
right or equally, do things that seem logically
wrong. Today I ask for the wisdom to make the
eighteen-inch journey in order to keep my head and
my heart in balance.