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Remember Mindfulness – enjoy the moment
We cannot live in isolation. How we interact with
people affects how we see ourselves, our self-esteem
and our sense of belonging. We depend on
others, and they depend on us, but we need to set
boundaries and to hold people accountable when they
overstep. If we don’t, we become people-pleasers.
That not only damages our self-esteem but also
makes it impossible for us to establish meaningful
relationships because we are always having to
compromise. This leaves us feeling deeply
unsatisfied. Am I setting appropriate boundaries?
If I say ‘no’ to the unreasonable demands or
expectations of others, I am not being unkind, I am
simply asserting my right as a person to meet my
own needs. If I do not do this, I will feel powerless
and frustrated. I will even become resentful towards
the other person whereas in truth, the fault is mine.
Assertiveness can be learnt – the act of saying ‘no’
without causing unnecessary offence, can be
acquired through practice. Today I will review my
boundaries and ask for help where I need to act.