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Remember Mindfulness – close eyes briefly
Giving service
You only miss the water when the well runs dry is an
old way of saying ‘take nothing for granted’. What
would happen if your local fellowship meeting
closed? Would you look for one further away, would
you use the internet? How much would you miss
face to face contact with other recovering people?
Supposing your sponsor fell ill, and you had to find
another, but none was available?
organisations and self-help groups are as strong
and as successful as their members. If we don’t
volunteer for service, how can we expect others to
give the service that we benefit from? Service is one of
the three legacies of AA for a very good reason. Our
survival depends upon it. Do I take the benefits of the
fellowships for granted or am I willing to give
service as a necessary part of my recovery?
Asking and giving is part of decent human
behaviour, if we wish to live as brothers and sisters
rather than enemies. Some people will always try to
beat the system – that is another human trait, but
we must act honestly. Today I ask for guidance i n
g i v i n g s e r v i c e as a part of spiritual growth.