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Remember Mindfulness – sit comfortably
Charles Darwin was in as good a position as most to take a view on creation and the meaning of life. His work On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was published on this day in 1879. It changed the world. As a scientist, he felt unable to believe anything for which there was not valid proof, such as the existence of God. Nevertheless, he remained an agnostic because like many great scientists, the more he explored the origin of the universe, the more difficult it became to view it as a chance event. Einstein felt the same. In the Twelve Step fellowships, everyone is free to believe whatever they wish about creation and the meaning of life. Most people come to the view that addiction is a powerful thing and therefore requires a powerful response, which the individual is unable to give, without help. Do I have an open mind on matters of belief?
You don’t have to understand everything in order to believe, whatever the scientists may say. Step Two begins: Came to believe. This means starting a process we feel is right, which will itself give peace of mind and fulfilment, while we explore the greater meaning in the universe: Today I am grateful for my belief in God and recognise the open-mindedness of agnostics.