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Remember Mindfulness – enjoy the moment
Learning responsibility
When we start Step Nine, we are putting personal
responsibility in action. We actually go about
making amends to people we have hurt, where
appropriate. In other words, we do what we need to
do for our recovery, but we consider the needs of
others as well. We approached things very
differently when we were in active addiction. In those
days, gratification came first and nothing else
mattered. If we do this Step in the right way, we can
say that change is really happening. Can I display
true responsibility when I do Step Nine?
Facing the challenges of the Steps would have been
impossible without the strength and guidance of
my Higher Power, that came to me through the
support and example of my fellows in recovery and
my sponsor. I was too set in my selfish ways and too
immature. It would have been like expecting a small
child to drive a car. But I must remember that I am
still learning and must take things a step at a time.
Today I ask God to guide me while I grow in
maturity and learn to practice personal
responsibility in my daily life.