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Remember Mindfulness – enjoy the moment
Step Ten
Am I regularly checking that I am heading in the
right direction? This Step highlights the fact that
recovery is for life and the Twelve Steps are not just
to be ‘done’ and then forgotten. The fact is that
addiction is never finished with us and therefore we
must never relax and call ourselves cured. Regular
maintenance and vigilance are required. We now
have purpose and structure back in our lives to help
us so that it becomes a habit.. Am I keeping my
recovery strong through regular maintenance?
I must keep a watch for the old enemies: dishonesty,
selfishness, resentments, and laziness. The best way
of making sure they don’t come back is to keep
following the programme because if I interact with
the right people, any emerging character defect will
be highlighted in contrast to those following the
programme correctly. I must immerse myself in the
three legacies – Recovery, Unity and Service. I am grateful to be part of a Twelve Step fellowship.