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On this day in 1971, AA co-founder Bill Wilson died
The Gestalt Prayer, written by the psychiatrist Fritz
Perls, tells us that we are not in this world to live up
to anyone’s expectations except our own. Trying to
live the way other people would like us to simply
leads to unhappiness. Healthy boundaries are about
respecting ourselves and others. They also allow us to
understand who we are and what we need.
Boundaries become important when we come under
threat, so it is best to establish them before they are
actually needed. It is very difficult to apply
boundaries when someone is already trying to
manipulate you. Will I review my boundaries before
they are needed, to ensure that they are strong and
fit for purpose?
If I am to live according to high moral principles, I
must identify what I really need and value. In the
past, such things as success or wealth might have
been my focus but now, I must reconsider. If for
example, I feel that peace of mind is more important
than a stressful job, I must have boundaries to ensure
that my ego does not lead me to take on too much
in the workplace. ‘Principles before Personalities’ is
a slogan that includes my own personality. Today I
ask God for the wisdom to keep my expectations
low and my hopes high.