Daily Reading from Recovery Days July 13th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days July 6th by Chris B

Remember Mindfulness – feel your body from top to toes

Power of example

Everything we say and write comes in one of four forms: statement, question, exclamation or command. The Twelve Steps are written in the form of a statement: Here are the steps we took, which are suggested as a programme of recovery. Before the AA Big Book was published, in 1939, the authors were advised to make the tone of the work less directive: a lot of ‘musts’ were replaced by ‘should’ or ‘we suggest’. Remarkably, the approach worked. Perhaps alcoholics are people who don’t like being told what to do. If you compare the Twelve Steps of AA to the Ten Commandments in the Christian Bible, you will see a marked difference in tone.

Reading the AA Big Book widens our knowledge of Alcoholics Anonymous and of addiction itself. There is something very moving about reading the lives and experiences of people just like us who struggled with addiction nearly a hundred years ago. Their problem was mine and all of their stories are truly inspirational. I am proud and grateful to follow in their footsteps. I will try to be open to the possibilities of change so that with humility and love I too can be an example to others.

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 30th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 24th by Chris B

Remember Mindfulness – enjoy the moment

Reaching out

In moments of great emotional distress, when a kind person says: I don’t know what to say, they should probably not say anything and just be there to listen anyway. A gesture, however small, is often better than words. When you smile at someone, it is a small act of kindness. It is quite likely that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others; it is certainly worth a try. Am I ready to offer help to others today?

In my father’s house there are many rooms. New Testament, St John.

I should imagine the world as my father’s house and people I meet, as his guests whom I should treat with care and respect. Of course, this requires humility and non-judgmental service. Have I considered treating others in the same way as I would like to be treated, if I were in need? Like it or not, I am a part of mankind, and I cannot stay detached, I must be involved. Today I ask God that I will not stay detached but instead that I will find opportunities to help others.

Daily Reading from Recovery Days May 22nd by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days May 21st by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days May 20th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days May 19th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days May 18th Read by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days May17th Read by Chris B

Mindfulness review expectations

Doing right

We never know the full effect of our actions and we each can contribute in ways that we never imagined. There is a story that the official acclamation for the building of the cathedral of Remember Santa Sophia in Constantinople was given not to the emperor Constantine, who commissioned it, but to a poor widow named Euphrasia, who took a wisp of straw from her mattress to give to the oxen who pulled the blocks of marble to the site. The butterfly effect can change history, and we are each a part of the world’s living history. Am I ready to play my part in doing what I think right, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time?  

In all things, God works for the good of those

who love him.   St Paul, Romans.