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Remember Mindfulness – review expectations
Boundaries exist in three main forms –
- Physical: you won’t be physically pushed around
- Emotional: you won’t be insulted or humiliated
- Mental: you won’t be unduly affected mentally.
Taking back control in these three areas can be
difficult. In extreme cases, where there has been
systematic abuse, professional help may be needed,
and we should not be ashamed of asking for help. It
is not uncommon for people in addiction to have
been subjected to psychological bullying. Have I
decided that enough is enough, that it is time to
establish healthy boundaries?
When I have healthy boundaries, I will be calmer,
stronger, and happier. I will have self-respect, a
sense of identity and meaningful relationships. I will
be able to say yes or no, without guilt, anger, or fear.
The help in doing this comes from my Higher
Power, which works through other people – my
friends in sobriety whose experience, strength and
hope will see me through. Today I ask my God to
stay beside me, as I practice setting healthy
boundaries and learn from the example and
experience of my friends in sobriety.