Daily Reading form Recovery Days January 28th by Chris B

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Remember Mindfulness – relax your body


We in recovery are fortunate that we can know, understand, and love each other at such a meaningful level. This does not mean that we should not have regard to proper boundaries and an understanding of the limits of our responsibilities. The Twelve Step fellowships give us constant guidance. Several of the Steps are to do with boundaries: Step Four and Ten, deal with personal inventory and Steps Eight and Nine deal with the consequences where we have ignored boundaries in the past. Am I using the Twelve Steps to help me maintain healthy boundaries?

The Twelve Step fellowships bring us the welcome feeling of once more belonging. In essence, we are learning in recovery the lesson that love that is freely given comes with responsibilities and must be treated with respect. Peace of mind is a worthy outcome when we are prepared to go to any lengths to achieve sobriety, but it must include respect to others. Please God may I always remember that the gifts of love and friendship bring with them responsibilities as well.

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