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Remember Mindfulness – sit comfortably
Everything has a purpose, but it may not be the
purpose we think. Lots of things happen that we
cannot understand at first. It is only on reflection, in
the light of other events, that we begin to see. We
must learn the value of patience and appreciate that it
is really another way of letting go of all our fears and
anxieties. Remember the old Greek proverb: The
mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly
small. Am I prepared to wait for good things to
Our need for instant gratification gets us into all kinds
of trouble. It is behind a great deal of addictive
behaviour. Simply learning to say ‘no’ to ourselves is
important. We can practise this in small ways such as
deciding not to have second helpings at mealtimes. It
is possible to learn new habits if we are prepared to
work at it. I ask for God’s help and strength to find the
courage to admit my wrongs because without doing so, I cannot grow my recovery.