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Remember Mindfulness – breathe deeply
For many of us, the idea of change is one that we
instinctively resist. Why change? We ask. And then
perhaps, how? Actually, ‘How’ is part of the answer
because it’s an acronym: Honesty, Openness and
Willingness to change are the three elements of
successful change, in therapy terms. People usually
think that they are willing to change but in reality,
most do not really want to. That ‘not wanting to
change’ bit is the firecracker that can burn the
house down if we give it the tiniest spark of
encouragement. Am I aware of the danger of not
wanting to change?
Change and growth are not the same. The former is
a concept, t h e latter is the process whereby
positive change becomes reality. Both are needed.
First, we commit to change and then we do the work
needed, over time, always remembering that change
can be reversed if we weaken in our commitment.
Today I will work to strengthen my commitment to
change by following the principles of the Twelve
Steps in all my affairs.