Daily Reading from Recovery Days April 10th by Chris B

Remember Mindfulness – relax your whole body gradually


Personal integrity is part of my mission in recovery. I should also be aware of the need to preserve the integrity of the Twelve Step programme. We who follow this path are the custodians of a tradition that goes back many decades. It is strong and successful because it has integrity. That means that we do not compromise with our Steps or our Traditions. The urge to adapt and improve things has led to trouble in many areas of life. If we want to improve something, then it should be ourselves, not the programme. Am I prepared to accept the programme of recovery without compromise?

The Twelve Step fellowships are strong, but we must constantly be checking their health, as well as our own. Many great institutions are destroyed not by outside enemies, but from inside. It is the crooked timber of our own humanity that puts the stress on the edifice. Our own prejudices and ignorance are the threat. Today I ask God for the strength and integrity to keep the message of recovery constant, without compromise.