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Remember Mindfulness – send positive thoughts
Most folks are as happy as they make up their mind
to be.
This Abraham Lincoln quote appears on the AA Just
For Today Card. If we want to be happy, we
certainly need to have self-respect, and this can only
come when we have strong and healthy boundaries.
Action is now required. Simply having the concept
of healthy boundaries is no good at all, we must
enforce them until the enforcement becomes a
habit. Otherwise, we will just be seen as ‘a person of
strong opinions, weakly held.’ And that is not far
from being a doormat. Am I now ready to practice
enforcing healthy boundaries?
Our boundaries have been established in the past
from a variety of sources – life events, other people’s
behaviour and how we feel about ourselves.
Sometimes our emotional wounds lead us to
compromise on boundaries. Thus, if we have
experienced childhood rejection, our fear of
abandonment may have led us to allow
manipulation in relationships where love is used as a
weapon, to be given or withdrawn at will. Do I see
this in myself? I ask for the wisdom to see where my
damaged emotions have led me to compromise on
boundaries. So, I may repair them.