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Remember Mindfulness – review expectations
We tend to think of courage in terms of a single
dramatic act as for example, when someone is
rescued from drowning. More common is the kind
of sustained courage that we need to make a
successful recovery. This requires forethought and
well-judged action. Courage like this is not an
impulse but an attitude. If we can develop a habit of
courage, so much the better. Am I ready to practice
an attitude of courage in all my affairs?
The kind of lasting courage that marks not a
moment, but a way of life means that the road ahead
may be rough at times. We are going to need help
and our best plan will be to stay close to our Higher
Power. John Bunyan, the great English writer and
preacher, likened life to a pilgrimage:
Who would true valour see, let him
come hither.
One here will constant be, come wind
come weather.
There’s no discouragement shall make
him once relent
His first avowed intent, to be a
Today I ask God that I never be discouraged from
doing what I consider to be right.