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This day in 1960 the first meeting of Overeaters Anonymous held
Eating disorders
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a community of
people who support each other in order to recover
from compulsive eating and food behaviours.
Everyone who feels they have a problem with food is
welcome. The first meeting was held in Los Angeles.
Today, over six thousand groups meet weekly
throughout the world. It is believed that around
sixty thousand members are finding help to start
new lives in recovery. Am I grateful that the
message of the Twelve Steps is being brought to
people with addictions of all kinds?
The idea of a fellowship for people with eating
disorders was conceived at a meeting of Gamblers
Anonymous. This illustrates the variety of addictions
there are, and their commonality. Eating disorders
seem to be a fairly recent problem in terms of
numbers afflicted though the problem itself may go
back hundreds of years. Addiction does not confine
itself to one particular behaviour and I must always
be aware of the dangers of cross-addiction. I ask
today for the grace to extend the hand of friendship
to all Twelve Step fellowships.