Daily Reading from Recovery Days April 4th by Chris B

Honesty demands courage. So often in the past, we may have chosen the softer, easier way because we were not brave enough to stand up for the truth. In recovery, we have to change. Where do we find that courage – from our Higher Power, who acts through other people – the support and example of our brothers and sisters in recovery. I ask God today for strength in my weakness, courage in my fear and fellowship in my isolation.

Today I Will……………………………………………………..

Daily Reading from Recovery Days April 3rd by Chris B

September 2024

Daily Reading from Recovery Days March 27th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days March 25th by Chris B

Remember Mindfulness – send positive thoughts

Hope in Recovery

There are said to be five stages of recovery

  • Loss and surrender
  • Awakening of hope
  • Taking stock of resources
  • Rebuilding
  • Personal growth.

This is what the Twelve Steps are about. When we take ownership of our illness and take responsibility for change, we start to see how change can happen by following these Steps. But at this moment, we also need hope. The most likely way of finding hope is through the example of others because God works through other people. Am I sure that I am a worthy example to anyone struggling and in need of hope?

Understanding the nature of my illness and gaining a true picture of what needs to be done about it, are the basis for a life of recovery. The inspiration to get to work on the programme comes from the knowledge that my Higher Power is at my side to help me, in the same way as others I see are being helped. Today I ask God for the vision to see what I need to do for my recovery and the strength to take action.

Daily Readings by Chris B from Recovery Days

* March 19 *

Remember Mindfulness – review expectations

Responsibility for change

Newcomers to Twelve Step fellowships are often advised to stop focusing on why they are addicted and instead think on what they can do about it. Discovering a reason for your addiction might seem like a way of resolving a problem easily, but in truth there may be no reason, except that you’re an addicted person. Seeking a reason may well be a device to avoid the pain of having to make some life-changing decisions. Far better to focus on positive action and take responsibility for change. Am I prepared to face the reality of my addiction and take responsibility for change?

When we embark upon a searching and fearless personal inventory at Step Four, it may help us to reflect that a life of total dedication to the truth is a reasonable aspiration for anyone. It is likely to result in true peace of mind, but it will not be easy. It does require continuous self-appraisal as recommended in Step Ten. Yet the feeling of relief when we have completed Steps Four and Five will be enormous. Today I ask for the strength to be fearless and thorough in taking personal inventory.

Today I Will…………………………..……………………….

Daily Readings by Chris B from Recovery Days

* March 18 *

Remember Mindfulness – send positive thoughts

Response to challenge

Life is not easy. For a lot of people, it is just one challenge after another. Yet many seem to expect it to be smooth going and complain when it is not. Others try to avoid the challenges and seek the softer easier way, but life usually finds them out in the end. Some become addicted. We have all seen people who seem to stroll through life without difficulty as if possessed with magic powers. In fact, they are people who have a clear vision of the world and what they need to do about living in it with peace of mind. They have taken the necessary action. Simple in concept but hard to achieve without rigorous honesty, determination and high principles. Can I reject the softer, easier way?

People who truly live life well are always respected. They trigger in us a desire to be like them because we have a longing to live a good life and to do what is right. We may forget words, but we remember how people make us feel. That is why the power of example matters. Today I ask God that I may pursue with determination my desire to live my life in the very best way that I can.

Today I Will……………………………………………………

Recovery Days

February 7th

Real connection is a joining of hearts and minds as well as the physical contact of a handshake or a hug. So much of our modern world involves illusion – the face on TV, the social media friend, or the cheery avatar in Meta-land. Do not be fooled, the only real connections are traditional human contacts, warts and all. The Twelfth Step is all about connection but some of the earlier Steps deal with it too: Steps Five and Nine, for example. Do I fully understand that the only true connection comes from the sharing of heart, body, and mind in the real world?
St Paul said:
For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then, fully – just as God knows me.
In other words, true connection only happens when we fully understand each other. And that goes not just for connection with other people, but with God as well. Today I ask God for the perseverance to make connections because without it, there cannot be love, kindness or true recovery.