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Remember Mindfulness – sit comfortably
Climate change anxiety
The impact of climate change is obvious. It arouses strong feelings. The mental health of many is suffering and some people are turning to substance abuse. Doing nothing in the face of oncoming disaster is no longer acceptable. Addicted people will recognise that attitude. Both climate change and substance abuse are symptoms of a world where countries put self-interest before the greater good. We seem stuck in our selfish ways. The great economist and problem-solver Maynard Keynes said, roughly a hundred years ago: The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones. Twelve Step fellowships are non-political. We embrace a life that prioritises sobriety, spiritual growth and peace of mind. We have a duty to help those struggling with addiction. Am I there when anyone, anywhere reaches out for help.?
Whatever is happening in the world, my first duty is to keep myself sober and balanced. I hand my fears and anxieties over to my Higher Power in the sure knowledge that I will receive guidance. AA began shortly before the start of World War II and many members found strength in the programme during the worst moments in combat, such as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Most of us have already had our own private Pearl Harbour, a member said. Today I give thanks that I can hand my problems over