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Remember Mindfulness – review expectations
Step Two
Step Two brings hope because it leads us to
understand that there is help available. Most people
who are trapped in the vicious circle of addiction
become very isolated, fearful, and desperate.
Addiction turns us insane, but this Step tells us
that we can be restored to sanity, with the help of
‘A Power Greater Than Ourselves’. The
emphasis is not on what this power is, but on
what it can do for us. But first, we must ask. Am I
ready to ask for help when I need to?
Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and
you shall find; knock, and it shall be
opened to you. St Matthew.
The words of the Christian Bible are echoed in the
words of the Twelve Step fellowships because they
deal with universal truths. Help is more readily
available than we imagine, yet few people have the
skill to look inside us to see our desperate needs. We
have to ask for it. Today I ask for the strength to
take that leap of faith and ask for help when I am in