Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 18th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 17th by Chris B

Remember Mindfulness – close eyes briefly

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June16th by Chris B

Daily Reading June15th from Recovery Days by Chris B

JUNE 15               

Remember Mindfulness – send positive thoughts


Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 14th by Chris B

JUNE 14             Remember Mindfulness – review expectations

Behavioural addiction

Gambling, gaming, shopping, pornography and workaholism are examples of behavioural addictions that are on the increase. A few years ago, these activities would have been mostly performed in public. Today, thanks to the home computer and the mobile phone they are largely unobserved, mostly happening ‘behind lace curtains’. There is a danger for people in recovery that one addiction can replace another or lead a person back to their original addiction because activities are linked; gambling and drinking is one example of this. Am I aware of the dangers of cross addiction and the need to stop all addictive behaviour?

Addiction never gives up. Complacency leads to disaster. The alcoholic who thinks that an occasional joint won’t matter, or a gambler who sees no problem with a few drinks, are both playing with fire. I cannot fully embrace a new life of sobriety if I am still experiencing the escapism of even a small amount of addictive behaviour. Today I give thanks for my sobriety but remind myself of the dangers in any kind of addictive behaviour.

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 13th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 12th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 11th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 10th by Chris B

Daily Reading from Recovery Days June 9th by Chris B