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Remember Mindfulness – review expectations
Think, think, think
There is a difference between considered action and
unconsidered action, which is usually just reaction
to events. Learning to think logically enables us to
exercise some control over how we experience
things and what we do. It means being conscious
and aware enough to choose what we pay attention
to. We can choose how we derive meaning from
experiences and learn from them. In active
addiction, we didn’t have time for much except
meeting our immediate urgent needs. Now we have
time and a clearer mind. Taking considered courses
of action, even if they fail, will always help us to
grow because we can see later, exactly where we
went wrong. Am I ready to learn from my mistakes?
What was the last mistake that you made? Perhaps
it was very minor, like forgetting a birthday. But if we
take the experience as an opportunity, we can grow
as a result. Own up to the mistake, apologise and try
to see where you failed (I forgot to write it in the
diary) and plan to do better (put all birthdays in the
diary!). Today I ask God for a positive approach to
mistakes, so that I may learn from them and grow.